Almost nine years later, my little jumping bean is now my Stinkyface. (Don’t tell him I told you that nickname.) Not a single thing has happened in these nine years that gave my son life. Sure he needed some time to grow, and he’s still growing, but his life had already begun.
January 22nd marked the 41st anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. 41 years. That’s staggering. That’s ten years older than me. Babies have been legally murdered for 41 years in the United States of America.
Oh, God! God. Forgive us. We don’t know what we do.
I think about my little jumping bean, all snug and warm in his safe little home. Fifty-some million other little beans (or babies at various stages all the way up through being fully viable) found out their home wasn’t a safe place to be over the past four decades here in America. An entire generation was wiped out before they had a chance to make their mark on the world. Before they were even given a chance at life.

I am honored to have a friend who chose life when the tough
choice was hers to make. She faced an unplanned and, quite frankly, unwanted
pregnancy. And that unwanted pregnancy turned into a very wanted and loved and
incredible little boy. I can’t imagine life for her without him, and I can’t
help but putting myself into her shoes and thinking about what my life would be
like if I had chosen abortion for one of my own children.
Have you ever thought
about it? Have you ever thought about a child you know not being here? How
about one of your own children? Even the imaginary scenario is enough to bring
me to tears.
How many things about my life would be different if one of
them weren’t here? Which one of them would I choose, if I had to pick one to
live without? So many sweet, sweet memories of these little people I love so
dearly. If I’d chosen to end their life before I knew them, I wouldn’t have
ever experienced any of those tender moments.
I wouldn’t know the sweet smell of their little newborn head.
The feel of their tiny body curled up on my chest. The look of innocence on
their peaceful face as they slept. The sound of their tiny cry when they felt
alarmed and yearned for mommy. I would never have even known their face! I
can’t imagine not knowing, not staring endlessly, at the precious little faces
of those little ones who are mine.
And that’s just the beginning.
My little jumping bean/Stinkyface is almost nine years old
now. My other loves five, four, and nearly two. So, so many snuggles and
giggles (my favorites.) There were first steps and first words and all those
other firsts that are just as exciting with every new baby. There are new
milestones and memories and good times and bad constantly in our household. We’ve
had vacations and lazy days at home and even those stressful days trying to run
a million errands. Challenges or no, every day was special. Every day of their
life was a gift. On and on those memories go, and will continue to go.
How could I give
those all up? Even if I had never known them, how could I have given up those
blessings that I knew would come along with each child?
How many mothers are out there wondering what their lives
would have been like if they hadn’t chosen
abortion? One quick google search will provide story after story of regret
(though I don’t deny there are others who adamantly defend their decision.) I
still know there are so very many
mothers who count the birthdays they’ve missed. They wonder if their child’s
giggles would have been soft and sweet or loud and contagious. They ache to
think of all the “I wuv you mommy’s” that they’ll never get to hear. They long
to hold tightly that little one that they never got to meet. They want
desperately to gaze at a beautiful face that they’ll never have a chance to see
in this life.
Empty arms. An empty cradle. Where there was life, now there
is none. Heaven is filled with these little ones, but at what cost? Oh, God.
Help us!

Help us as the body of Christ to offer the same grace that
we have received. Our sin and our guilt is no less than that of another. We are
just as weak, just as in need of You and your mercy. We only love You because
You loved us first, and You loved us so we would love others. You comforted us
in our affliction so that we can share
that comfort with others. Help us to bear each other’s burdens. The church
needs to be a safe place the hurting can run to, for those who are considering
abortion or those who have already gone through with it. Let us view the hurting through your eyes.
Help us to know that change in the world always, always
starts by looking in the mirror. We need to be close to You, God. We need You
to change our hearts. We need your Word and the Spirit to guide us. We need to
abide in You, so that You will abide in us. All that is good comes from You,
and we need your good to be light to the world. We can’t show the world your
love when we’re rejecting it ourselves.
Help us to remember how important and effective prayer is in
this battle. We say that we want you to end this tragedy, but how often do we ask
you to do so? Do we really believe that our prayers count for something? That
You’re listening? Help us to remember just how powerful You really are. This is THE most important action we can take to defend the innocent. We desperately need
to seek both your face and your hand in this fight for life.
Help us to know how to fight this battle. Just like
Bonhoeffer took a stand against the Nazis and Wilberforce against slavery, may
we be counted among those who were bold enough to oppose this tragedy. Not
just behind closed doors, Lord. Help us to boldly proclaim the truth about the
sanctity of life. Give us leaders who have the wisdom and boldness to guide
those of us who often want to do more and are unsure how to fight. We’re each
accountable for the action (or non-action) we take. Help us to turn our good
intentions into meaningful engagement. We can’t all be sidewalk counselors, but
we can all do something. It’s not
enough to want to help.

Help us not to give up in what seems to be an endless battle.
Our easily distracted minds want to move on to the next big thing. Or we want
to join in a fight that has more tangible victories. Don’t let us forget, Lord.
These tiny ones can’t speak for themselves. Give us the boldness and the
compassion to open our mouths and do it for them! The abortion industry is
still out there, even while we’re choosing to think on lesser things, and it’s
thriving. It’s hard to hang in there for the long haul, but we can’t keep
sticking the knowledge of this tragedy on a back burner in our minds. We’ve got to keep up the fight!
Amidst all the bad news, sometimes we forget that that there
are lives being saved out there! There
are women who are choosing life for their babies. There are the faithful who pray and counsel and speak truth. They’re
engaged in this warfare, and we can join them. Every life counts. We can’t keep allowing ourselves to be distracted,
because God put us here for a reason. God put us here for such a time as this.
Resources for post-abortion healing:
National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing:
Victims of Choice: http://victimsofchoice.org/find-help/
(Only certain states are listed, but some of the centers offer long-distance
A quick reminder about God’s forgiveness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4KJgrnlgLE
Food for thought:
Tough questions for pro-choicers: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevinwax/2012/10/24/10-questions-a-pro-choice-candidate-is-never-asked-by-the-media/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-questions-a-pro-choice-candidate-is-never-asked-by-the-media
Argument against abortion: http://garbandier.tumblr.com/post/74787876722/a-bakhtinian-plea-against-abortion
Euthanasia in Belgium: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/14/world/europe/belgium-close-to-enacting-sick-child-euthanasia-law.html?_r=0
Testimony of abortion survivor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOWMmx6eBjU
Ways to get involved:
Heartbeat International: http://www.heartbeatinternational.org/hbi-get-involved/ways-to-get-involved
Find a local pregnancy center: http://pregnancydecisionline.org/get-help/
Right to Life: http://www.nrlc.org/
Possible resources to help start a post-abortion recovery
group: http://www.abortionrecoveryinternational.org/resources/healingresourcesforwomen/tabid/83/Default.aspx
**These lists are in no way exhaustive. Please feel free to
comment with resources/organizations that you have found helpful.