In case you haven’t heard, this story came out today:
My initial (and self-centered) thought was, “Oh, great.
Naturally this would happen where my kids go to school. This is going to be a
pain in the butt to deal with.” My range of emotions and thoughts on the
situation have gone back and forth since reading the story this morning. It’s
been a long day, despite the fact that I’ve barely accomplished anything.
Disclaimer: I didn’t get through many
of the comments under the article. They were too discouraging to continue
reading. There may very well have been some that said what I’m about to say.
Another disclaimer: This post is based on the Bible. If you
don’t respect the Bible, I fully support your freedom to have that opinion. I’m
simply addressing the response of Christians based on what I've read in the Bible.
My initial thoughts… Where is the love, man? I’m not talking
about for Sunnie, though I am all for loving her as well. Let’s take the focus off of her and her family just for the
moment. Right now I want to know where the love is for TCS and their administrator.
I’ve seen complete disregard for her and for the school as a whole, based on
what? On this article? Sad, sad, sad.
Since when do news outlets paint Christians in a positive
light? Again, I’m not referring to this particular story. Let’s just make a
generalization here. Can anyone give me an example of when Christians standing
up against a socially accepted sin was given a shining news review? I’ll wait…
**Crickets chirping**
None? Ok, let’s continue.
Let’s just assume that there is something beyond what is written in this news
article then. People have been making assumptions all day, so this shouldn’t be
too difficult. Right? It’s pretty safe to say that on a DAILY basis the news
outlets misconstrue facts. Then why, pray tell, is the general public assuming
that they are right on the money this time around?
What is it in us that wants to immediately assume that TCS
is in the wrong? Even my own knee jerk reaction was to think that it must have
been based on how she looked. I had to refer back to my own previous “note to
self”: My initial reaction is most likely the wrong one.
People who don’t know anything about Timberlake, as well as
people who do, are just tearing into the school. It’s mob mentality at its
finest. I don’t know if TCS will be able to defend themselves at this point,
but even if they did, would anyone care? Would anyone listen?
My goodness, Christians! Let’s be people that listen! Be
SLOW to speak and slow to wrath.
The majority of criticisms that I’ve read are based on an
assumption that Timberlake is judging this young girl based on her appearance.
So, let me get this straight. Timberlake, who has allowed this child to attend
for three years, has suddenly decided that her appearance (which hasn’t
changed, to my knowledge- I saw her in kindergarten and her hair looked just
the same as it does now) is no longer acceptable. Meanwhile, folks who know
NOTHING except for what they’ve read/seen in the news, are freely bashing the
school with complete assurance that TCS is in the wrong. Who’s doing the
judging based on appearances here?
So much for Christians sticking together. So much for acting
as the body of Christ. I implore you, Christians! Love your brothers and sisters
in Christ enough to find out the whole story! If there is genuinely judgment based solely on this girl’s appearance, then let’s
talk about that. Let’s stand up against that. But until we actually hear both
sides of the story, let’s not be divided! A kingdom divided against itself cannot
Matthew 18 always comes to mind in situations like this.
Approach your fellow Christian in privacy about an offense. I honestly hope that much of that is being done.
Unfortunately, all that is visible at the moment is public bashing.
So much for the world
knowing us by our love for each other. How can we accuse them of not loving
this girl even as we spew unloving accusations from our own mouths?
Based on I Corinthians 6, we should have been able to avoid
discussing this in a public forum altogether! This was a matter to be discussed
among the body of believers. It breaks my heart that these grandparents felt
the proper course of action was to broadcast this story for all the world to
see. If there was wrongdoing, and I’m not judging either way at this point,
then it should have come out for the church to work through. There are clearly plenty of Christians who agree
that this girl shouldn’t be judged for her appearance. If we’d been given a
chance to speak up before this went public, then hopefully the story would
never have even escalated to this point.
At this point, I feel so disheartened by this whole
news broadcast. It’s not helping Sunnie. It’s not helping Timberlake. Most
importantly, it’s doing nothing positive for the name of Christ. Sure we have a
chance to say that Christ doesn’t judge based on appearances, but it’s all pretty
hypocritical and self-defeating when we’re proclaiming that as we ourselves judge based
on appearances. The divisions amongst the church have a giant, shining
spotlight on them right now, and we’re welcoming the audience.
After writing all of this, I see now that TCS has released a
statement on the matter. It’s here if you wish to read it:
I fear that it will be too little too late, but I hope that’s
just the pessimist in me. I still hope that at least some of the details will be released, but even if they never are…
Please, let’s stop assuming things. Let’s regard each other with love and offer support in time of need (on all sides). Let’s consider the implications of our words before we let them
fly. And let’s seek truth at all costs.
A friend shared this verse on facebook tonight, and I thought it a fitting closer:
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14:14
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