I have to admit that when I first saw this video posted on
facebook last week, I wasn’t sure what to think about it. For anyone who doesn't care to watch it, the video shows a group of JMU students singing about the love of Jesus in response to a man whom the media dubbed a "homophobic preacher." My initial response to the title was that the singing was probably a great idea, but unfortunately I couldn’t pick up anything of consequence that the preacher was saying in this clip. I thought it could possibly be just another exaggerated use of the word homophobic.
Since then, I have seen several articles posted about the event. They helped me understand the brouhaha a little better, especially the one with a few direct quotes from the preacher that day.
"All homos are going to hell!"
"All you horny frat boys that love to do drugs and get drunk, you are going to hell!"
But what clinched my final take on the situation was hearing the tale from the anti-gay preacher himself. Here are just a few highlights.
"Within the hour there were over 200 students in the area, and The Holy
Ghost and I made sure to openly reprove and rebuke them for their sins
against God, and against each other."
"...we noticed a group of students lined up holding hand made signs, which obviously were meant to judge and condemn us."
" False teachers and professing Christians
(male and female) rudely interrupted me and attempted to 'preach' their
little ‘sermonette’s,’seeking to undermine the preaching and the
authority of God’s word which was forcefully condemning them and their
selfish lifestyle. An incident including a sinful and intolerant young
man playing a love song on an acoustic guitar..."
"We are thankful that God has showed us
such favor, in allowing us to be used to stir up the campus and city as
he did for the Kingdom of His Son."
Such an ironic choice of words from this guy...
I had the, er, privilege of reading a few of his other blog posts as well. This included the one where he reveals that Christians no longer sin. Ever. (Think I must have taken it out of context? I beg to differ.) Root problem, right there. I'm not saying we can trace all of this guy's problems back to this one belief, but I believe it says a great deal about his behavior. When someone believes that they're immune to sin, then they automatically consider any criticism as persecution from the devil. (Martyr complex, anyone?) After all, it's impossible for them to be in the wrong. Whatever pops into their mind (traveling around to multiple college campuses to rebuke students, just as a random example) becomes tantamount to the voice of God itself.
Paul himself spoke of his ongoing battle to master fleshly desires. He did what he didn't want to do and didn't do what he wanted to do. I can relate. It is my greatest desire is to daily take up my cross and follow Christ. Yet somehow, I still fall short of His best every day. Oh, but not guys like this. Somehow they've managed to achieve perfection. They're on par with God Himself. Such a foolish and dangerous belief.
Nut Job and I do agree on one point, though. God is holy. What we do not agree on is everything else. No, I take that back. He wrote a post about how that guy who predicted the end of the world in 2011 would be wrong. We agree on that point, too.
Back to God's holiness, though. He is a holy and perfect God. I've never heard anyone disagree that this is the Bible's claim. Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. We all need the grace and mercy provided through the death of Jesus Christ. The all-confrontation-is-bad crowd opposite Mr. Perfection errs when they fail to acknowledge that a holy God cannot abide with sin.
I have no problem with an individual who wants to proclaim that we all need Christ. We do. But sin is not where the story ends. Preachers who focus on everything we're doing wrong give the impression that salvation is based on our works. That if homosexuals became heterosexuals and the frat boys stopped drinking and doing drugs, they would no longer be on their way to hell. That's a lie, and t
hey do injustice to the beauty of Christ's redemptive story. "Stirring up the campus" is not the equivalent of preaching the need for repentance. When God called us to be bold, I'm fairly certain He didn't mean spouting off whatever we don't like about those around us. Common sense doesn't leave as the Holy Spirit arrives.
hey do injustice to the beauty of Christ's redemptive story. "Stirring up the campus" is not the equivalent of preaching the need for repentance. When God called us to be bold, I'm fairly certain He didn't mean spouting off whatever we don't like about those around us. Common sense doesn't leave as the Holy Spirit arrives.
Let's be honest. Who doesn't know that the Bible speaks out against homosexuality? I'm not saying that some don't try and explain it away, but in order to do so, you have to know it's in there. The fact that we all fall short and need to accept the forgiveness Christ offers is probably much less well known. Still inflammatory, but exceedingly more important. Trying to purposely make people angry is not the great commission. Yelling condemnations in a public forum doesn't make you faithful- it makes you ineffective, and that's really the main point I'm trying to make here.
Paul speaks to this reality in I Corinthians:19-23. His words shed light on how
exactly we are to carry out the great commission. "Though I am free and belong to
no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To
the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became
like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win
those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having
the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as
to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I
have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save
some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its
People are different. They have different families, backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, life experiences, educations, cultures, and so on and so forth. My husband went on a missions trip to India a couple years ago, and it was astonishing how different the church looks over there. They express their faith differently, preach the Gospel differently, treat each other differently, and more. Not because Americans are better, but because we are different. Those who fail to recognize that people do not all learn in the same way will inevitably be ineffective ministers to anyone not similar to themselves. Any time a missionary prepares to go overseas, they learn what the culture is like where they're going. It is not immoral. It doesn't indicate that they are "watering down the truth." They want to minister in a way that the people understand, and so should we in our own country.
People are different. They have different families, backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, life experiences, educations, cultures, and so on and so forth. My husband went on a missions trip to India a couple years ago, and it was astonishing how different the church looks over there. They express their faith differently, preach the Gospel differently, treat each other differently, and more. Not because Americans are better, but because we are different. Those who fail to recognize that people do not all learn in the same way will inevitably be ineffective ministers to anyone not similar to themselves. Any time a missionary prepares to go overseas, they learn what the culture is like where they're going. It is not immoral. It doesn't indicate that they are "watering down the truth." They want to minister in a way that the people understand, and so should we in our own country.
I was recently involved in a facebook debate in which the initiator was emphasizing God's wrath over his love. One participant stated, "Frankly I much prefer someone who errs on the side of not being
nice to someone who regularly avoids telling the truth to avoid being offensive." Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why err at all? Why not just try and encompass the whole of Scripture into the way that we interact with others? We can be truthful and kind at the same time. People will still accuse you of hate, but no need to prove them right.
nice to someone who regularly avoids telling the truth to avoid being offensive." Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why err at all? Why not just try and encompass the whole of Scripture into the way that we interact with others? We can be truthful and kind at the same time. People will still accuse you of hate, but no need to prove them right.
One fault is not lesser than the other. It is not okay to be hateful or skirt the truth. Love is always kind, AND it always speaks the truth. Just because our human nature wants to fall to one side of the spectrum does not mean that the Holy Spirit can't give us the power to maintain the proper balance. Three words: First Corinthians thirteen. Love is all those things, simultaneously! Remembering that our battle is not against flesh and blood can help maintain a proper perspective. Without love, we are the equivalent of a clanging gong.
Pointless. Without love, we are pointless. Strong words.
As a parent, I find it helpful to think of how I teach my children. I'm not saying everyone else thinks like children, rather I'm referring to my own attitude and behavior. I can disagree with my kids without resorting to name calling or threatening hellfire. I can explain why because I genuinely want them to understand, not so I can win an argument. I would never try to purposely rile up my children or ridicule them. Nor would I leave out the truth or water it down. I want them to know it, because I care about them. Accepting every behavior they exhibit would be disastrous. And yet, even with each of them, our conversation looks a little different. I teach each one differently, and I communicate love to each one differently. It is for their sake, despite the fact that it would be easiest for me to teach and love in the way that comes naturally to me.
If you're ministering to a crowd who is easily offended, and I would say on a college campus you almost certainly are, then yelling statements you know will make them angry is probably not going to draw any of them to Christ. On the opposite spectrum, only teaching that God loves everyone without emphasizing a need for repentance and surrender will not draw anyone to Christ either. At least not in a meaningful way- we don't want to sow seeds that are easily scorched by the sun or plucked up by a bird.
Thinking about this story has really challenged me. I need to do better, probably most of us do, at paying attention to the needs of others. Sometimes I need to be more patient, and sometimes I need to be bolder, firmer. It is the Holy Spirit who influences people to come to repentance, but we are the body of Christ. We are the salt and the light. We are Christ's hands and feet. We represent Him to the world.
Hypocrisy has done more damage to the cause of Christ than probably anything. The world needs to know that Christianity is not just a big show. God's promises are true. They need to know that He genuinely does change us. We still mess up (sometimes big), but it is Christ who gives us the strength to get back up again. And almost anyone can tell you, Christians are supposed to be known for our love.
We're not just zealots who want to shove our morality down others' throats. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to win arguments about whether a certain behavior is right. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to convert people to our religion. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to make everyone feel good about themselves. (Are we?)
We're not trying to define love as acceptance of sin. (Are we?)
Pointless. Without love, we are pointless. Strong words.
As a parent, I find it helpful to think of how I teach my children. I'm not saying everyone else thinks like children, rather I'm referring to my own attitude and behavior. I can disagree with my kids without resorting to name calling or threatening hellfire. I can explain why because I genuinely want them to understand, not so I can win an argument. I would never try to purposely rile up my children or ridicule them. Nor would I leave out the truth or water it down. I want them to know it, because I care about them. Accepting every behavior they exhibit would be disastrous. And yet, even with each of them, our conversation looks a little different. I teach each one differently, and I communicate love to each one differently. It is for their sake, despite the fact that it would be easiest for me to teach and love in the way that comes naturally to me.
If you're ministering to a crowd who is easily offended, and I would say on a college campus you almost certainly are, then yelling statements you know will make them angry is probably not going to draw any of them to Christ. On the opposite spectrum, only teaching that God loves everyone without emphasizing a need for repentance and surrender will not draw anyone to Christ either. At least not in a meaningful way- we don't want to sow seeds that are easily scorched by the sun or plucked up by a bird.
Thinking about this story has really challenged me. I need to do better, probably most of us do, at paying attention to the needs of others. Sometimes I need to be more patient, and sometimes I need to be bolder, firmer. It is the Holy Spirit who influences people to come to repentance, but we are the body of Christ. We are the salt and the light. We are Christ's hands and feet. We represent Him to the world.
Hypocrisy has done more damage to the cause of Christ than probably anything. The world needs to know that Christianity is not just a big show. God's promises are true. They need to know that He genuinely does change us. We still mess up (sometimes big), but it is Christ who gives us the strength to get back up again. And almost anyone can tell you, Christians are supposed to be known for our love.
We're not just zealots who want to shove our morality down others' throats. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to win arguments about whether a certain behavior is right. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to convert people to our religion. (Are we?)
We're not just trying to make everyone feel good about themselves. (Are we?)
We're not trying to define love as acceptance of sin. (Are we?)
All things to all people. I don't think it looks like sharing the gospel message only in the way that makes us feel comfortable, be that harsh or soft. The emphasis is on the receiver, not the giver. If it is genuinely out of love that we proclaim truth, then let us proclaim both truth and love.
"I do all this for the sake of the gospel..."
"I do all this for the sake of the gospel..."